Tuesday, September 9, 2008

On the 2nd day after this blog born.... =p

Salam...n gud morning...viewer =p

First of all...i want to thanks to YOU..Allah because still give me strength to live and stay in this world...however...give me smile... :)

I want my frens also happy anytime..then i will happy too eheee...

ehh actually I want to story to you all about what happen to me yesterday. Usually I story to the only my special fren but, i don't know where he is now. It's actually hurting me now uhuu...sadness but i have all of you now rite...thanks to God because give you to me... ;) thanks.

Okay, yesterday i have special event called 2nd day for IFTAR PERDANA which is collaboration between Usrah Institution (IU) and Arabic Language Society (ALS). Iftar Perdana means breakfasting together. The menu is also from the 2 different countries like Arab and Malaysia meals. Wahh...yesterday is the delicious one from Arab...okay i tell the menu is nasi Arab(mcm nasik minyak berempah) with the chicken BBQ, and so on...(actly don't know the name of the menu, tau mkn je muahaha)...and the menu from m'sia is mee kari tp else call it mee bandung serta nasi lemak...i'm happy on this time...

But, deeply in my heart i feel so lost...i don't know why. I feel want to cry lots, want to ask someone what happen to me...ahh i don't know. Then I go back to my room, I perform Isyak prayer...then I close my eyes, suddenly my tears come out....then I don't know what happen after that (ya la da lelap kot xigt ape dah =p). Then i wake up when my roomate ask me...she said, want to take 'sahur' or not eheee, i just smile and shake my head up and down(muahaha) it's sign for yes la.

Then, actually i must call someone(to wake him up for sahur), who is for me is big bro but not the real one. I calling him but the voice mail answer...uhuh abis duit akoo weii adesla. It's okay, i can be patient because it is just a small matter for me uhuu. After that, I take my sahur with nasi and fried chicken(kfcnye yg smlm eheh)..I feel lonely... Alhamdulillah I followed the Sunnah of Rasulullah s.a.w (pbuh).

Yesterday also, I got news about the test 2 for Descrete Structure...waa i got two big matter to solve with the same dateline on this friday...assignment CP2 submission and test2 Descrete Structure uhuu...i think this is the matter because of i'm EmO...i think...don't know how to manage this together in the same time.

Haa I also got the good news from my A'A ehe...she already replied my mail. She said sorry because she away for meeting on that time and want to see me at the same time in this week, hoorayy. :)

Okay, thats all for now...feel tired and dizzy also sleepy. Slamat berpuasa muslim sekalian.. Thanks dengar luahan hati saya yang xseberapa ni...mmg byk kelemahan sy amt akui...cuma saya perlukan sokongan dan dorongan dari semua... :) -_-

p/s: sy tau BI sy tunggang langgang muahaha..nnt sy nak la queue u balik ayat2 sy spy xtunggang langgang lg eh...insyaAllah. Dalam blaja ade org pesan kat sy, jgn malu. Bialah dorg nak gelak kat kite ckp kite bodoh ke...asalkan kite tau sape diri kite dan pandai jage dri spy xterpesong jauh dari agama...tu yg penting. :) thanks...i just missing all my beloved so much! YOU train me to be a strong person ya Allah...i'm glad to be always with YOU..

Miss the person who give me this card..

Updated: For your information, On this afternoon i checked the mmls, the date of test2 Descrete Structure is not this coming friday but next week...wuauaua tesilap dgr dr mdm. Teo Lee Peng aritu ehe...sorry mdm...but i have quiz for this subject tomorrow morning uhuu...hope i can answer well. amin..

From <3>

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